Over the years since I first built this website dedicated to actor Tom Burlinson, I have received a lot of emails asking for information on the Snowy Mountains and whether tourists could visit areas similar to where the Snowy River movies were filmed. So I decided to build a Travel page based on the locations and related interests of Tom's Australian movies.
Mostly this page will consist of info and links to the appropriate sites for each place as well as links to various accommodation, travel and tourist websites that I have used over the years. Anything underlined is also a link to a relevant site.
Where possible I have sought and gained permission to use the various logo's on this site and they remain the possession of the relevant site owners.
This site is not sponsored by any of the linked entities and does not sponsor any of them, tho I personally have utilised the services of a lot of them. It is simply an informative page put together via my own Internet research and my own knowledge of the various areas to help promote tourism in my country.
If there is a location I have not yet covered, or if there is further information you seek, I welcome your feedback and questions via the Fan Forum, and I will endeavor to assist you.
Follow the navigation menu above to find what you are seeking.