Erica And Julie
Monday, 12/31/01, 12:04 AM
We love! love! love! Tom Burlinson! Great web site, very thorough! The Man From Snowy River, has always been, and will always remain our favorite! Great effort on that one!
The Midwest
Monday, 12/24/01, 1:49 PM
Hi! I just wanted to say that I love Tom Burlinson. I first watched "The Man from Snowy River" with my parents when I was only 5 years old. I also enjoyed "Return to Snowy River" which I have watched every night for the past week! When I was little, I wrote Tom Burlinson and I received a letter back. Unfortunately, I have misplaced the address. So if anyone can tell me where I can write him a letter to, that would be awesome. Karina, you have done a fantastic job on this site, I thank you BIG TIME! -Sarah, 17, Colorado.
Colorado Email:
Heather Miller
Tuesday, 12/18/01, 12:06 PM
The first time I saw The Man From Snowy River, I was a fan of Tom. I loved both the Snowy River Movies!
Calgary, Alberta Canada Email:
Sandy Smith
Tuesday, 12/4/01, 1:51 PM
Thank You for shareing your information on Tom Burlinson. I have been a big fan of his since I saw The Man From Snowy River. I never could find any info. on him tho, until you put up your site. Thanks.
Texas Web Site:
LadyHawksis Email:
Tuesday, 12/4/01, 1:05 AM
Just realised I put an incorrect e-mail address on my message, this e-mail is the correct address. Cheers!
Taree NSW Australia
Web Site:
Tuesday, 12/4/01, 1:03 AM
Well, well, wasn't I the lucky one! Recently I had the privilege to attend Tom Burlinson's concert, "Swing'in Sinatra Style" held at a wonderful location, The Cassegrain Vineyard, situated on the lovely East Coast of New South Wales, Australia. With a picturesque location and a beautiful starry night, Tom sang the famous songs of Frank Sinatra, supported by a superb band, "The Sydney All Star Big Band". In all, the evening was a huge success played out before a crowd of some 3,000 people, who came along to be entertained and enthralled and they were not disappointed in the least! I had previously seen Tom live in another concert, "Frank The Sinatra Story in Song" some three years ago, and this was fantastic too. Tom's voice and performance has improved even more since this time, he certainly has got what it takes to sing and perform in this style of music. Highlights of the evening were many, but to mention just a few: During the dialogue of the concert, Tom displayed a sense of humour in some of the comments he made; He showed his appreciation and honoured each member of the band by name - this was a really nice gesture I think, not taking all the 'glory' for his own talent displayed in the evening; A stunning display of fireworks graced our starry sky in the last song of the evening, "New York New York", which I thought was a very fitting conclusion, owing to the terrible events of September 11! New York was honoured in this song I felt, and deservedly so, for in the face of such adversity, the world saw this city pull together in unity and human camaraderie. Well done New York and God bless you! For me personally, this evening was very special when I had the great privilege yet again to meet Tom after the concert, he really is a very pleasant man to meet and speak with. Even though he was obviously tired after his concert he did not mind spending some time with one of his greatest fans and signing my 'signature bear' for me. This is something that I really admired about Tom from the last time I met him. As I waited "patiently" to meet him on my first time of seeing him, I was impressed how he spoke to his public, and took the time to show a genuine interest in them, not just signing something and hurrying off. Well done Tom, and thank you for your patience and obvious interest in others! I was really thrilled to see Tom pull up outside the motel where I had booked in, fancy out of all the motels in the city my husband and I had booked into, Tom also stayed there with his crew! This was a bit of a buzz for me for sure! I did not let the opportunity pass me by, when I saw him pull up, for on my second floor unit, I called out his name, he looked up, and I said "Hi", telling him who I was! His reply was, "Are you coming to the concert this evening", my reply, "Sure am, wouldn't miss it". I wondered later, what he must have thought having this 'crazy woman' calling out to him from above!!! I guess, as a celebrity, he has seen it all!!! For me though it was an opportunity too good to miss!! For now, I will just settle back and enjoy the memories of this enjoyable evening, continue to collect memorabilia of my 'star' and just patiently wait until I have the opportunity to once again see Tom Burlinson in concert. Till then, this fan will just fade into the background!! Cheers, all you other Tom Burlinson admirers!! Well done Tom if you happen to read this message!! Helen
Taree NSW Australia
Web Site:
Helen Email:
Sunday, 11/18/01, 2:40 AM
Hello Webmistress, Just wanted to say I have just found Tom's website and you are to be congratulated it is very impressive and most deserving of such a 'Star' as our Tom. Have just returned from Port Macquarie and again enjoyed being serenaded by Tom at Cassegrain Winery. If Tom does have the opportunity of reading his 'fan mail' I am the fan who has been stalking you Tom - waited to have a photo taken after your show at the Capital and then one week later to have the photo autographed from 'My Fried Tom'. I am disappointed I did not get the chance to see you after the show on Saturday night at Port Macquarie. I guess I will just have to wait for the next concert..... Once again congrats. on the website LORRAINE
Saturday, 11/10/01, 9:23 PM
I have only recently come on line, and am thrilled to be able to check out Tom's web page. I have been a fan of Tom's since his early Restless Years days, and have been so proud of him, seeing his career blossom and grow. His Frank the Sinatra Story in Song concert in Newcastle was fantastic and I will be attending his Cassegrain Concert on the Mid North Coast next weekend - can't wait! I am keen to correspond with others who have an interest in Tom's career. cheers!
Taree NSW
Anna Vogt
Saturday, 11/3/01, 4:31 PM
I think Tom is a terrific actor. I loved Man From Snowy River as well as Return to Snowy River and think he is just ageless. I am hoping for a Return to Snowy River II or would it be III? Anyway, I hope his "Frank Sinatra" show comes to the US and hope it plays in Chicago which is near where I live. I'll be sure to see it. Thanks for the web page with so much information. I've had a really hard time finding any internet information on him but this and his personal web- site do just fine. Thanks again Anna Vogt
Michigan USA Email:
Thursday, 10/25/01, 4:52 PM
Ya ya ya...It's me again K. Am I abusing this or what? I would just like to add that I sure hope that if Tom brings his " Sinatra" to the USA that He better bring it to Spokane, Washington (hint hint tb ;-)) I have been waiting for this for a long time. I know it would be a huge success here in the states. Bye for now. M.
Idaho Email:
Karina - WebMistress
Tuesday, 10/23/01, 3:19 AM
Hi Megan. Yes it certainly made all my 33 years !!!!!!!!! Hi Kathy. Tom is still working on a trip to the USA to suss out venues for his shows. I will send an email out to you all when I return home from Russell Crowe Country and have recovered from the jet lag, with some updates. Kathy - if you would like to join the email list for updates pop your email addy here when you next post and I will make sure you get the updates.
Monday, 10/22/01, 9:39 AM
Hi--Just wondering if there is any more news re:Tom's American tour, in light of the recent tragic events. Thanks, Kathy
s.f. bay area, california
Wednesday, 10/17/01, 5:58 PM
Hi K. Yes, it's me again. Back at my favorite internet hang-out. E-mail or phone call, you are still lucky. Wish I had an e-mail from him. It would make my whole year...all thirty four of them. hehehe :-). I think it is really cool that you took the time to put this sight together. I will be back for know it!! Have a great day!! M.
Idaho USA
Wednesday, 10/10/01, 9:39 AM
Well done Karina, Fabulous site, am glad I finally hauled arse to the internet cafe to see it!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Webmistress
Friday, 10/5/01, 10:24 PM
Hi Cindy - thanks for your comments. Hi Megan (again !!! hehehe) - it wasnt a phone call (thank goodness) - it was an email from Tom. I think if I got a phone call from someone I had admired for 20 years - well I probably would have become a stuttering mute !!!!!! Does everyone like the music on the site - I know it makes the page open a lot slower - but if you like it I will leave it there. I hope to add a messageboard/forum soon. ciao K
Tuesday, 10/2/01, 9:04 PM
Karina, You've done a great job on this website for Tom. Hi Tom! Nice to meet you, well sort of :)
Southern California
Tuesday, 10/2/01, 12:46 PM
Howdy K. Great to hear the news. Thanks for the e-mail up-dates about your web sight. You are so lucky that you got to talk to him on the phone. Your doing a great job!! :) Meg
The Web Mistress !!
Sunday, 9/30/01, 8:57 PM
Hi Mona - thanks for the congratulations. Don't forget tho - its the Official Fan Site, not Web Site, hopefully very soon we will see Tom's own official Web Site.
Perth, Australia
Sunday, 9/30/01, 10:17 AM
Congratulations on becoming Tom's OFFICIAL website. You have done a wonderful job with this site and deserve this honor!!!!!! MonaK
CO-USA Web Site:
Sandra O'Hagan
Saturday, 9/29/01, 3:00 AM
Great job Karina. I also love Tom Burlinson. I really enjoyed reading his bio..........learnt a few things I hadn't known before. Great piccies of him too..........nice to drool over.
Australia Email:
Monday, 9/24/01, 10:27 AM
Long ago and far away, I had a premonition that I would meet TB one day. Since then I have fretted about what to say...should my daydream/nightmare come true. At one point, I seriously considered offering to become TB's "webmistress" since it seemed to me that such a talented actor/singer should have at least one dedicated, if unofficial fansite. Thanks to you, Karina, I rest easier tonight knowing that someone has finally taken on this responsibility and achieved it with both artistry and finesse. Congratulations! I will be watching your progress. A web note: I didn't find you on the first page of search results for TB. In fact, I only came upon your site via (go figure?) which was one of some 910 sites that Google returned as of 24 September 2001. There was a link to your site from a very positive comment included on the dreamworks page. I don't know how you get listed before other results, but a site as informative as yours should be at the top of the TB list in my opinion. Best of luck with y
nearly san francisco, california, usa
lara & clint
Tuesday, 9/11/01, 3:01 AM
great site....well done a true fan.....
osborne park - western australia
Tuesday, 9/4/01, 10:25 AM
I have been absolutely in love with the movie "The Man From Snowy River" ever since I saw it, when I was about 8 years old. I am 17 now, and it is still my very favorite and will always be! Tom Burlinson did an outstanding job as "Jim Craig". You would never have known he wasn't a horseman from birth! "Return To Snowy River" was just as good, if not better. I wish he and Sigrid Thorton(Jessica)had been married. They fit so well together in the movie! I am a horse fanatic, so watching these movies thrills me every time I rewatch them. I also have the soundtrack of the first movie, which I listen to almost every night! And I am learning to play the beautiful songs from the movie, on my piano. All I can say, is that Tom did a great job starring as "The Man". And thank you very much for the many pictures and info. about him! *Hannah*
Missouri Email:
Sunday, 9/2/01, 10:16 PM
You have done a wonderful job on your 'articles' section. Thanks for e-mailing me with the update of them. Please continue to do so anytime you add more to this site. It is wonderful tribute to Tom. I loved the articles about "Flesh & Blood'---it broke my heart to see Tom in chains in that movie, but he did a wonderful job with it. I know this movie was quite different from 'Snowy' but this movie gave Tom an opportunity to stretch his acting abilities--which he did wonderfully. Keep up the great work on this site--I will be a repeat visitor to it! MonaK
Web Site:
Friday, 8/31/01, 8:24 PM
Dear K. Thanks for a very thorough, wonderful glimpse of Tom Burlinson. Have been trying for years to know something about this actor and your site is by far the most complete. Many thanks, from a 'yank.'Kathy
San Francisco Bay area-California
Elena Sunday, 8/26/01, 1:25 AM.
Hi K :-)Think my name belongs in here! It was about time Tom had a website devoted to him: I'll never ever thank you enough for this K, your excellent work was the answer to my prayers!! I'm willing to swop Megan Gale with 'our' Tom ANYTIME! ;-)Hey Meg, I mean Jillaroo, you're not the only one who keeps coming back for more :-)
Italy Email:
Tuesday, 8/21/01, 1:22 AM.
Hi peoples Just wanted to say thanks for all your comments !! Megan you are wearing the counter out !!!! I just know how many times you have been in for a peek ! Renee - I believe he had a cuppa at 8.30am !! From:
Friday, 8/10/01, 10:01 PM.
Hey Karina! I couldn't resist another peek at this great web sight. He still looks as good as ever. Keep up the good work! :-)) M.
N. Idaho Email:
Thursday, 8/9/01, 6:23 PM
Karina~ For shame! The man can't even have a cuppa without you putting it on the internet. Good work! :-)
Los Angeles
Thursday, 8/9/01, 11:03 AM
K, excellent web site. You've put a lot of work into it and it shows. Love the photo of you by the way, you look stunning. I'll check in here again to catch any updates, keep up the fab work. A.
Thursday, 8/9/01, 8:04 AM
Hiya K - nice site - now I know who it was I watched in the Man from Snowy River over & over on that long bus ride years & years ago... See ya! Lisa
Canada (but not lately)
Tuesday, 8/7/01, 9:59 PM
FINALLY!----a website devoted to this great actor and man--Tom Burlinson. I have searched high and low and finally found your site. It is great and I can tell you have put alot of work into it. Keep up the great work ---I will visit often to see what you have added in the future. I was so glad to hear that Tom is making it big with his singing. He has a wonderful voice and I am glad FINALLY the rest of the world will be able to enjoy it too. MonaK
CO Web Site:
Wednesday, 7/25/01, 9:15 PM 
I love your site. It's fantastic! I especially love the pictures and information you've included about my favorite movie of all time, The Man from Snowy River. I, of course, love Return to Snowy River and Phar Lap, but "The Man" is number 1 forever in my heart since I first saw it in 1982 as a five year old girl! Please email me or ICQ me at 5946462 to discuss these wonderful movies!
Mississippi Email: